Angel Sharks May 22th

Sustainable Aquaculture for Future World Food Security

AI Breakfest

101 Incubator Virtual Event

AI Breakfest Zoom week 17

Its week 17 for many of us who decided not to wait for Trump's declaration of a pandemic. Our pandemic alerts were decided on February 28th and all travel and in-person AI breakfast meetings were canceled the next week. We all work remotely now with AI and startups. with Crowdfunding models replacing the old school


Sustainable living with the new CO2 economy

HagoCO2 weekly Co2 Challege progress meeting

AI Breakfest meeting zoom 17

FEA Mesh and crystal algorithms fir 3d printed infills. Strong structures fro Under Water Vehicles.@AngelSharks

AI Breakfast zoom

AI Breakfast Zoom Open ideas for creating a New Normal. with the delayed Reward of creating a sustainable Future.

Angel Sharks Smart buoy development

Smart buoy development Fog network p2p mesh over DTN with a Lorawan status signal for remote work, a Lora wan radio link will maintain staus and update with larger files moving from p2p over wireless mesh fog network event recording with IPcoin Blockchain running offline as a side chain for audit control of AI data.