On Monday 9/03/2022 the IT benefit package for the Company Angel Sharks Benefit Corp was extended to the end of 2026. this should give Angel Sharks a long runway to create a Sustainable Future with their new Carbon Removal process from our Oceans and sequestering in Carbon Negative Concrete. Sea Shells, like those harvested from Shellfish farming, currently remove Carbon with true Biomineralization and combine with Calcium to make a hard Sea Shell. the Sea Shell was once processed replacing expensive and polluting Lime stone facking now used by the Cement industry to make Expensive fossil fuel-derived Concrete. Calcium Carbonate is what is fracked out of limestone when it’s superheated by burning fossil fuels. The Calcium Carbonate from Shellfish can be recovered for use in a truly Carbon negative and stronger concrete formula at a much cheaper cost. The added benefit to mankind is that it creates more sustainable food replacing the need for more Grazing land and Animals raised for food. for these reasons, we entended our It grant to them.
Angel Sharks plans on Sequesterinbg over 12,000 metric tonnes of Carbon from the removal of Sea Shells and processing them into Carbon Negative concrete. Angel Sharks uses an AI material Science simulation to come up with new Structurally stable Concrete formulas. http://angelsharks.net/
Angel Sharks is also a Team in the $100 million XPRIZE for Carbon removal sponsored by the Muxk foundation