3 Companies will be selected during week of May 25th 2020

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At 101incubator.com we’ve encouraged all startups to start from Home. This is 2020 and we’ve been working online for 25 years. now the tools have become inexpensive and commonplace an entrepreneur can create a sustainable startup without compromises. As Lean Startups home-based startups are very lean. Economic environmentalism is the norm by reducing wasted time and resources commuting and no expenses or new of a vehicle. Regular communication with your networks is key to success. Ask others for help is this time in our Covid-19 closures to prepare a resilient business moving forward. Prepare to Thrive and meet the new normal. 101incubator will be picking its next Class of 3 startups for the 2nd !quarter of 2020  please signup with a brief description of your business.  Several meetings will be announced during the week starting on May 25th,2020 3 Companies will be selected to be mentored and incubated announcements will be announced in our June newsletter. Follow us on Twitter @1incubator