10X10X 10 Future Foundation event

Join the Conejo Las Virgenes Future Foundation October 24th for the annual 10X10X 10 Future Foundation event/
https://clvff.org/ #SustianableFuture

Gig Economy is over

For many Companies the ability to hire on demand helped create the gig exonomy. VCs enjoyed while take home pay and medical benifits all declined got the workers. Comapnies like Uber took advantange of its new hungry work force and made Billions. Now a California court has ruled these people need to be considered Employees and costs of doing business will now increase where workers are still required. Uber will automate many things and will still do fine. But mega pay for executives may no longer be possible as long as Empolyees are paid and stockholders will now need to restrict a CEOs pay to no more then 100x its lowest paid worker.


Climate Change Talk “A Farewell to ICE”

101incubator on Facebook


April 17 2019

We will cover the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Tonight and where we Stand for meeting these goals by 2030 in California.
Immediately afterward we will have complimentary Food and Wine Tasting. Please tell others !

Plese RSVP on meetup we have Free Food and Wine Tasting immediatly afterwards and just need a head count

Also help our Group grow and share with your peers


Febuary 101/Clean technology meetup was Canceled but we have confired dates for March and April. Please register to attend on our Meetip group. https://www.meetup.com/Thousand-Oaks-101-incubator-Clean-technology-Meetup