The Kavli Prize awards for 2020

Congratulations to the 2020 #KavliPrize Laureates in #astrophysics, #nanoscience, and #neuroscience, whose research has transformed our understanding of the very big, the very small and the very complex.

Congratulations to this year’s laureates in #nanoscience, for constructing aberration-corrected lenses for electron microscopes, making it possible to see in three dimensions.


Congratulations to David Julius and Ardem Patapoutian, the 2020 #KavliPrize laureates in #neuroscience, for discovering sensory receptors for temperature and pressure, as well as pain.

3 Companies will be selected during week of May 25th 2020

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At we’ve encouraged all startups to start from Home. This is 2020 and we’ve been working online for 25 years. now the tools have become inexpensive and commonplace an entrepreneur can create a sustainable startup without compromises. As Lean Startups home-based startups are very lean. Economic environmentalism is the norm by reducing wasted time and resources commuting and no expenses or new of a vehicle. Regular communication with your networks is key to success. Ask others for help is this time in our Covid-19 closures to prepare a resilient business moving forward. Prepare to Thrive and meet the new normal. 101incubator will be picking its next Class of 3 startups for the 2nd !quarter of 2020  please signup with a brief description of your business.  Several meetings will be announced during the week starting on May 25th,2020 3 Companies will be selected to be mentored and incubated announcements will be announced in our June newsletter. Follow us on Twitter @1incubator

Virtual Events for week of May 12th – 15

New Virtual events for May Scheduled.

AI Breakfast with Dr. Pedro Marcal Tuesday, May 12th 9:00 am pst

Angel Sharks Computer Vision Project for Underwater UAV Object Recognition may, !3. 9:00 AM pst

May 14, 9:00 pst

IPcoin Proof of Capacity signed by Proof of Reputation model to create liquidity Bridge Chain for Carbon Sequestration. (Developers)

PPP exculudes VC backed Startups

The Paycheck Protection Program included in the US stimulus package to help small businesses will not Cover Startups With the majority of funding coming from VC firms. The terms include an affiliation rule that counts all employees within a PE or VC firm’s respective portfolio toward that 500 figure, making most of the portfolio companies ineligible.  

New Virtual events schedule for April


During this Covid-19 pandemic we want everyone to stay safe and at home. We miss our live meetings for the Clean Technology Council with wine tasting afterward, Our 805 Green Drinks meetups, Live Hub101 meetings, and our AI breakfast meetings. Digital Starlight is sponsoring our Special Events in Virtual Space this month. please sign up on the Events mailing list to receive notices of individual events.

2020 the New Carbon economy

We are looking for the new Billion Dollar unicorns of Cleantech in 2020.
We have lots of work to do to fix what’s been done to this planet.
2020 the New Carbon economy is projected to be worth over $1 trillion. We are Stuck with this huge Carbon Debt created by man-caused Global Warming. So we need to launch a very aggressive new Action to Create a Carbon Economy. #cleantech #Carbon #Science

Congratulations MSB.AI on Crowdfunding Milestone

Congratulations to MSB.AI on reaching the halfway point on its Crowdfunding goal of $107,000 Regulated Crowd  Funding is the vehicle we recommend for 99% of new startups. And the amount of $107,000 must be met in order to be in compliance with SEC Crowd Funding rules before more money is allowed to be raised.

Long-term company mindset

The Long Term Stock exchange has raised $50 million in order to bundle tools that will enable your company to flourish while still operating as a lean startup. Founders must resist dilution in order to become a long term company. Focus on sales instead of a raise and do a continuous Raise with Crowd Funding.

“Companies that operate with a long-term mindset tend to outperform their peers over time. But the going public can pressure even the most visionary founder into a short-term mindset.”

STEAMPAC partners with 101incubator

STEAMPAC  promoter of  STEAM Science Technology Engineering Arts and Math based programs will be supporting  101incubators startups and programs.  STEAMPAC  will pick individual companys from 101 incubator that meat its STEAM and Susitainablity goals to help Promote. iYou can follow #STEAMPAC12 on Twitter and sign up for its Mailing list at

AI will soon replace all animal testing

AI is getting closer to replacing animal testing

The AI was trained to predict how toxic tens of thousands of unknown chemicals could be, based on previous animal tests, and the algorithm’s results were shown to be as accurate as live animal tests.

at todaysAI brekfast we will discuss AI simulations of Toxic reactions for future srug discovery via AI.